Stay Fresh! Stay Positive!


We strive to always be two things:
Fresh and Positive.

Fat Logo
The fat logo is probably the most used out of the three logos. It’s the most resourceful of the logo forms. The fat logo changes appearance by using common objects and elements. Its abilities and forms are endless and this logo has many designs up it’s sleeve, just waiting for the right opportunity to display its power.
Classic Logo
It’s a circle with a line through it. Kind of like the “do not” symbol, only its line goes outside of the circle. The line reaches out side the circle to symbolize the power we have within ourselves to accomplish goals and pursue our dreams. Seize each opportunity and make the best of every moment. The symbol should not be confused with saying “NO” hence the name DontBelieveThePropaganda!

It’s color is purple for royalty. It’s skin can change color or pattern to match the dynamics of its environment. The logo has endless possibilities, but just wait till you see what the other two logos can do.

Skinny Logo
Now, don’t judge this logo by its appearance. Though small in weight, it’s dynamics make for a unique set of skills and talent. The skinny logo is able to manipulate itself by number and size. It really holds its own weight even being a skinny minnie.

A lifestyle brand without displaying a lifestyle is just another brand.


Dontbelievethepropaganda originated in the mind of a NYC graphic designer. A way to express art and creativity through colorful designs and positive messages. Taking those designs and stylishly applying them to garments of clothing is just another form of expression.

The inspiration behind the brand comes from being positive and being able to apply that through mediums of art and creativity. Every design under the DBTP brand is for everyone and not to exempt a persons interests or orientation.

DBTP is a design brand and style fused into fashionable clothing with a message. We believe that as people our differences make us who we are. Our focus is to supply society with a brand that will spread positivity with quality clothing and design.

The DBTP logo is similar to the no symbol. The difference between the no symbol and the DBTP logo is the elongated middle line. That line represents thinking outside of the norm. That is the defining part of the design, we are not a socialist group spreading an anti message. We just like to design things for people to wear. Our goal is supply the world with clothing and a product that will help others help others. Beware most of our products are “Limited Edition Propaganda” “Quantity Restricted” be sure to express yourself before its too late!

Be Better!!

Stay Fresh! Stay Positive!!
